V1.01 Updates

Hello Solo players!

I have been playing around with some updates and I think they are good enough now to release into the wider world for everyones enjoyment. List of updates:

  1. Character Personality Matrix: This is to help you when you are in a situation where you don't know what your character would do. A list of traits where you have a number between 5 and 15. Roll high to be positive, roll low to be negative. 
  2. Solo Magic: To add some magic options for Warriors, Thieves, Rangers, etc. you can choose between two options: A Focus (like a crystal or runestone, etc), or Blood Magic. One for a more 'higher fantasy' feel, while the other for a more 'dark fantasy' feel. There are limits placed on how much magic your character can do as a non-mage, so it should not be game breaking.
  3. Description Oracle: Based off the excellent Aspect+Focus table from Ironsworn Delve, I have added an additional 50 words to each one and made it a "Adjective+Noun" table for when you need to know what something looks like rather than what it is doing.
  4. Narrative Encounters: A small table that includes an Activity and Trouble for the encounter so that its not just "you're attacked by 3 wolves." Maybe the wolves are resting, or are being hunted themselves by rangers, etc. Included with it is a Combat Encounters table that helps you decide what the enemy is going to do each round.
  5. Dungeon Dressing: Rather than picking and choosing which of the dozen tables you want at the back, you can now roll a Theme, and for each room roll for Dressing and Environment to help build a cohesive narrative as you delve.
  6. Added a character sheet that includes the Personality Matrix, Strain/Fatigue, Illness, 

Hope everyone has tons of fun! I have been hugely wow'd by the interest in this so I figured I owed everyone this update to make it even more complete.


Just One Torch v1.01.pdf 2.2 MB
Oct 25, 2024

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